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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Have a lovely summer everyone !
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Fair Trade

Members of Woods Primary School are proud to support Fair Trade.  We have achieved the Fair Trade Award which recognises the school's excellent work in this area.  

We have Fair Trade links in a number of our World Around Us Topics which helps the children to develop a greater understanding of this work.  The children enjoy hearing from special speakers from time to time who remind us about the importance of supporting Fair Trade.  

Our staff support Fair Trade in the staff room when they enjoy drinking Fair Trade tea and coffee as well as the occasional chocolate Kit Kat, which displays the Fair Trade Mark. 


22nd Jun 2020
Woods Primary School has been awarded a prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag for the...
11th May 2015
P5 class made a mural of the Fairtrade logo using wrappers of Fairtrade items.
26th Mar 2015
P5 have been finding out all about Fairtrade. We know that when we go shopping we...