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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Kindness in October continues in Woods PS Keep up the great work everyone!
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ECO Work

Our school has achieved its fourth green flag in June 2020 in recognition for the school's excellent environmental work. 

The school elects an ECO committee annually to work on achieving actions to bring about improvement in the school.  Some of the areas we have worked on in the past are developing a school garden, recycling and reducing school waste, applying for and receiving solar panels and educating the whole school on caring for wildlife and litter management. 

We highlight important issues to everyone in our school throughout the year.

We work with a variety of environmental agencies each year and plan interesting events for our whole school. Recently we have had a visit from the Water Bus and Karen Brown from Mid Ulster Council. 

We are delighted with our solar panels and are glad that our school is saving lots of money on energy.

Look out for our website updates from our ECO Committee!

Thankyou to all of our families for your support with our ECO initiatives. 

Eco Committee 2024

ECO Committee 2024-25

Eco News

10th Jun 2024
We have recently heard about a company called ‘Schoolcycled’ who work...
4th Jun 2024
ECO Green Day 2024. We had great fun as we all enjoyed taking part in obstacle team...
4th Jun 2024
There was great excitement today as the children came to school wearing something...
22nd Apr 2024
Today Woods PS was represented by Florence (P7)in the Environmental Youth Speak...
9th Apr 2024
Today P4 got to tidy our school grounds by picking up litter. The Council lent us...