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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Kindness in October continues in Woods PS Keep up the great work everyone!
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Welcome To Our Website


Woods has an excellent reputation for high academic standards, high quality teaching, hard working and friendly pupils, child centred pastoral care and excellent extra curricular provision.

We believe that parents, staff, pupils, governors and members of the local community need to work together and co-operate with each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support, for the benefit of all. 

This website is one of the ways we communicate with members of our school community about what is going on in our busy school. 

We trust you will find our website helpful as it will give you an overall impression of what makes our school so special.  If you are interested in finding out more about our school please come and visit us in person, you are assured of a warm welcome!

K. White, Principal

Latest News

18th Oct 2024
Excitement is building for the P7 class as they look forward to taking part in the...
14th Oct 2024
There has been so much excitement at the Netball Club with the P4-7 girls and coach...
14th Oct 2024
We are supporting Ambassadors Football who are based in Senegal, West Africa. They...
11th Oct 2024
P5 took their learning outdoors on Thursday. They used their knowledge of co-ordinates...
10th Oct 2024
P1 have been learning outdoors by looking around the school playground to see how...
10th Oct 2024
Thank you to the “Speak out, Stay Safe Team” who visited our school...
10th Oct 2024
Everyone is having lots of fun reading together and completing activities on this...
6th Oct 2024
P2 are learning about the body and all the things that it can do. 
6th Oct 2024
The children in P2 have been learning about their senses. We had a senses afternoon....
6th Oct 2024
P2 have had lots of fun using our amazing outdoor play areas. 

Useful Links

Discovery Education- Espresso
Online news,
games and

Safer Internet
A guide for
Parents and


If your child is absent from school parents/guardians should notify school by clicking on the REPORT PUPIL ABSENCE button and completing the short form.

Important Information for Parents

Welcome everyone!

School Dinners £2.60 per day.  Payable on a Monday for the week ahead on the SchoolMoney App.

Healthy snacks  Book and Pay online via the New 'SchoolMoney' Payment App.  

P1 & P2 finish at 2pm daily

P3 finish Mon, Wed and Frid @2pm and Tues and Thurs @3pm.   

P4-7 finish at 3pm daily. 

Upcoming Events

Monday, 21st October 2024
Netball After School Club P5-7
Flu Immunisations in School Today
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024
Tennis After School Club (2-3pm P1-3 and 3-4pm P4-7)
Wednesday, 23rd October 2024
P5-7 Tag Rugby Club with Mr Stewart (P5-7)
P7 Transfer After School Club (3-4pm)
P4 & P5 Book Club (3-4pm)
Thursday, 24th October 2024
'Bring Your Parent To School' Event (Session 1 @ 3.30pm and Session 2 @ 4.30pm)
Friday, 25th October 2024
EA Music Tutor in for Strings
School Closing Early today - no meals in school (P1-3 11.45am P4-7 12 noon)

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