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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

7th Nov 2023
As part of their topic, “How’s it made?” P5 went on a Mesolithic...
6th Nov 2023
P6 have been learning about Space Travel in their Would Around Us Topic this term. ...
27th Oct 2023
Thank you to all parents and children who attended our STEM activity afternoon on...
24th Oct 2023
123 Club enjoyed making their Chocolate apples sponsored by TESCO, Magherafelt....
23rd Oct 2023
P5 have been busy making Mesolithic Houses out of natural materials, as part of...
18th Oct 2023
Thank you to Mrs Patterson for organizing a wonderful P4&5 after school book...
18th Oct 2023
Woods ECO Committee received a new rain butt kindly donated to the school by Henry...
11th Oct 2023
During the summer Solomon along with the rest of his football squad won the coveted...
10th Oct 2023
P1 had great fun on their spider hunt around school.  They found lots of different...