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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Have a lovely summer everyone !
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15th Dec 2023
P1-3 had an exciting party today playing games and getting photos in our very own...
15th Dec 2023
Primary 7 pupils visited the Marina Care Home on Wednesday afternoon to spread some...
15th Dec 2023
After all the Christmas concerts were over and their singing and dancing to the ‘Sheep-Shimmy’...
8th Dec 2023
Thank you to our Pupil council and ECO council for sorting and delivering all the...
8th Dec 2023
Wonderful artists in Woods P S! Well done everyone who attended the P4&5 Art...
6th Dec 2023
More photos to follow!
6th Dec 2023
The boys and girls in 123 Club have been busy making Christmas craft and baking!...
6th Dec 2023
One of our P7 Pupils, Florence, has joined the EA WASO(Western String Orchestra)...
6th Dec 2023
Erin has just completed the TRI Inter Schools Showjumping League. She competed in...
5th Dec 2023
There was lots of fun and laughter today as our whole school enjoyed our annual visit...